August 1-8, 2015 Summer Sounds Orchestra/Jazz/Choral
Camp Printable Registration Form

Cost includes: Room & Board, Daily music instruction,Master Class attendance,
Tee-shirt, choice of Drama, Art, or Music History/Theory. Fiddle Class or Chorale.


TUITION: $900 Overnight, $550 Day Campers
Registration deadline May 1st; Final Payment is required to be mailed by July 5
To apply for financial aid, enclose a brief letter stating the reason for the request.
You will be contacted by the Board.
If you choose, you may make monthly payments to be completed by July 5.

Student signature __________________________________________________________

Parent or guardian signature________________________________________________

Parent or guardian print name ______________________________________________

Please mail: Completed application form, $150 deposit (nonrefundable) payable to MBYS Summer Sounds,
a brief history of your musical training and performances, including solos,
etudes, pieces performed, and previous teachers to:
MBYS/Sounds of Summer, PO Box 5611 Bellingham, WA 98227